Creating a custom service

Now that we have a module, we are going to use the drush generator to create a skeleton of our service. As before, we simply tell drush we want the custom service template to be used and it will prompt us for the following information:

Value Prompt: Description
lstrptut_s4rnhy Module machine name: The machine name of the module to add the service to.
lstrptut_s4rnhy.genomeassemblies Service name: The machine name of the new service.
GenomeAssemblies Class: The name of the class for this service (Drupal standards are to use snake-case for class names).

Next it asks you “Would you like to inject dependencies?” and we would, so we leave the default “Yes”. We want to add the following dependencies:

  • tripal_chado.database
  • tripal.logger
Note: You can find the name of all services available in your site using drush devel:services.

Okay, now that we know all the information we need to provide, let’s run the generator and see what it creates!

docker exec -it LStutorial drush generate service:custom
Welcome to custom-service generator!

Module machine name [web]:
➤ lstrptut_s4rnhy

Service name [lstrptut_s4rnhy.example]:
➤ lstrptut_s4rnhy.genomeassemblies

Class [Genomeassemblies]:
➤ GenomeAssemblies

Would you like to inject dependencies? [Yes]:
➤ Yes

Type the service name or use arrows up/down. Press enter to continue:
➤ tripal_chado.database

Type the service name or use arrows up/down. Press enter to continue:
➤ tripal.logger

Type the service name or use arrows up/down. Press enter to continue:

The following directories and files have been created or updated:
• /var/www/drupal9/web/modules/lstrptut_s4rnhy/
• /var/www/drupal9/web/modules/lstrptut_s4rnhy/src/GenomeAssemblies.php